Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is Sex a Cause Of Yeast Infection In Man?

How can you resist the incredible, subtle, yet intoxication smell of a beautiful woman? After she moans her approval from the locking of your lips, you move to her neck and gently kiss it. You pause for a moment as you get lost in her eyes and understand her message; it’s time to move to the bedroom. You rip off the covers of the bed and jump under the sheets and once you are finished you feel content and as if you are in a wonderful dream. Thankfully you will not have to worry about pregnancy or STD’s as you remembered your protection, but what about yeast infection in man? Days later, reality sets in.

Your penis has developed a reddish irritation and is constantly itchy. Your mind recalls an article you read identifying these symptoms as those of a yeast infection in man. With the itchiness and irritation you are now suffering from you realize your imagination was nothing compared to the realities of these horrors.

You allow some time to pass, trying to ignore your yeast infection symptoms, hoping they will go away. But then as you are showering, you look down and can only stare at the morbid manifestation, the penile yeast infection you are suffering from has made itself grimily more apparent. Now with soreness, white discharge, blisters similar to those of genital herpes; almost every known symptom of yeast infection in man has made itself known right there on your penis. Beneath the endless screams of profanity, you can clearly hear the question being asked over and over again in your mind; How, and why me?

It makes little to no difference in the fact that you are among the few men who not only know it is possible but can recognize the symptoms of yeast infection in man. As important as that knowledge is seeking remedy for the condition, a much greater importance comes in the knowledge of the causes and ways to prevent yeast infection in man.

As an example, sex is one of the biggest causes of yeast infection in man, specifically penile yeast infection. This is caused by a man having intercourse with an infected woman. Although not a guarantee that a man who sleeps with an infected woman will contract a male yeast infection, one must understand that it is much better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with yeast infection in man.

Infection through intercourse is not just one-sided either. A man who has a yeast infection can very likely infect an unsuspecting woman. This fact alone should suffice as proof that man must be just as aware of their yeast infection as a woman is, not just to look out for his own health, but that of his partners as well. In all actuality, men should actually be more vigilant in this manner as the symptoms of yeast infection in man are not always visible.

In the end, yeast infections will continue to just as much of a threat to men as they are to women. But, with a little awareness, members of both sexes can go a long way in warding off the disease. Coming to terms with, and spotting the symptoms of yeast infection in man are simply not enough. One must educate themselves on knowing exactly what can expose you to, and how you can avoid, the terrible ailment of yeast infection in man.

Click here to discover the safe and effective, all-natural cure for yeast infection in man

Click here now to discover a 100% natural, safe, and effective cure for yeast infection in man!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yeast Infection In Man- The Bottom 5 Yeast Infection Symptoms

From all diseases you could fall victim to in the abundant one and the world various of the body afflictions, yeast infection is probably one of the worst things which could arrive at you. Particularly if you precisely prove to be a type. Without taking anything far from the ladies (since facing the infection is not any picnic for them either), yeast infection at the man is thus the bad one that it deserves its own corner in the hell.

Couple of reasons why: first, though more are becoming aware by the day that yeast infection can manifest in either gender, it is a condition still more commonly associated with women, giving quite a few male victims reason to hang their head in shame; second, yeast infection in man sets up camp on the penis more often than not, leaving those afflicted further humbled at the irony.

And as if having penile yeast infection isn't bad enough, there are a number of undesirable symptoms that come with it. Here are five of the worst, ranked from "I can live with that...I guess." to "Kill me. Kill me now.":

5. Problems in bed. Yes, yeast infection hits you where it hurts. Penile yeast infection can affect sexual performance since the penis is more sensitive to pain when infected, so your customary "wow" will have to take a back seat to the less satisfying "ow". Don't fret, it could be worse: there are times when a severe yeast infection has been known to cause sexual dysfunction, which means some of those infected can't even try to enjoy a romp in the sack.

4. A burning sensation. And no, not just when you pee. Having penile yeast infection makes you feel the heat whether or not nature calls. The irritation causes your penis to itch like crazy, too.

3. White discharge. Er...probably not what you're thinking. This white discharge is the same kind usually found in vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush. It's not as common as the previous two symptoms of yeast infection in man, but it comes out from time to time.

2. Sores. In some cases, red sores or blisters form on the head of the penis or on the foreskin. These are usually what alarm those with penile yeast infection. Very painful, and not at all attractive.

1. Nothing. That's right, having no symptoms is the worst symptom of all. Why? Because seeing Nada doesn't mean that you don't have yeast infection; for all you know, you do have it, and you're allowing it to fester. And when it finally (and quite literally) rears its ugly head, chances are it'll make up for lost time. So if you aren't careful, you could end up celebrating your good health one day and wishing your pecker would fall off the next.

Diet is just one of the things that will cure your yeast infection once and for all. Click here to find out more about beating yeast infection in man.